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2015 AHS Redesign--your opinion!


From: American Housing Survey (AHS) ListServ <>

The American Housing Survey (AHS) will draw a new sample in 2015. This new sample will allow us to update our geographic definitions, rebalance the representation of different housing types, allow for estimates at the Census Division and state level (for larger states), and relieve our current respondents from a burden that some will have borne for as many as 28 years.

Naturally, we want to be sure that the new sample is suitable for the many ways that AHS data are used: cross-sectional, longitudinal, time series, descriptive, modeling, national, metropolitan, scientific, planning, and policy analysis. We also need to consider the cost and flexibility of the survey program and the willingness of our respondents to participate. Thus, we are carefully considering a variety of sampling strategies.

After considerable discussion within and between the Department of Housing and Urban Development and the Census Bureau, we have identified a number of possible strategies. Briefly, the most prominent of these include:

  • A single longitudinal panel--essentially the same as the current strategy.
  • A set of overlapping panels which would each stay in sample for ten years (5 surveys) and then cycle out.
  • A hybrid design, with a long-term longitudinal panel and a set of overlapping panels, as described above.

The Census Bureau has drafted a white paper comparing the options. The whitepaper is posted on HUD USER. As AHS power users, we are especially interested in your opinions and suggestions. HUD will organize a series of informal, small group or one-on-one conversations before we make our decision.

I hope you will help us make the AHS a better survey as we cross this important divide. If you are willing, please review the whitepaper and contact Shawn Bucholtz ( or 202-402-5538) to schedule a time for discussing your thoughts and opinions concerning its contents.

Thank you for your previous support.

Shawn Bucholtz
Director, Housing and Demographic Analysis
Department of Housing and Urban Development