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Opportunity and Empowerment Award Winner


From: HUD USER News

The HUD Secretary's Opportunity and Empowerment Award
recognizes excellence in planning that leads to
measurable economic, employment, education, housing
choice, or mobility benefits for low- and moderate-income
families. The 2006 winner was announced on April 25 at
the American Planning Association's National Planning
Conference held in San Antonio, Texas.

The recipient of this year's award is the City of
Richmond, Virginia's Neighborhoods in Bloom program.
Since it began five years ago, the program has
revitalized six deteriorating, historic neighborhoods in
the city. Crime has declined by 19 percent in these
areas, compared to 6 percent citywide, and housing values
have markedly appreciated. Go to
to learn how Neighborhoods in Bloom:
o Promotes housing renovation, restoration, construction,
  and sales; and
o Matches people with the tools they need to buy a home.

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