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AHS OT: Invitation to Contribute Paper


From: American Housing Survey (AHS) ListServ <>

Cityscape is a scholarly journal published three times per year by the
U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development's Office of Policy
Development and Research (PD&R).  You can read more about it an access
past issues at .  I
am the editor of the Data Shop department, which publishes short (3000
word) articles on the use of data in housing and urban research.  Data
Shop articles are aimed at researchers in these fields and intended to
alert them to new data, novel applications of existing data, and the
operational difficulties of data use.  The official description of the
department runs:

"Data Shop, a department of Cityscape, presents short articles or
notes on the uses of data in housing and urban research. Through this
department, PD&R introduces readers to new and overlooked data sources
and to improved techniques in using well-known data. The emphasis is
on sources and methods that analysts can use in their own work.
Researchers often run into knotty data problems involving data
interpretation or manipulation that must be solved before a project
can proceed, but they seldom get to focus in detail on the solutions
to such problems."

If you are interested in contributing such a note, please send me an
abstract by November 13 in order to be considered for the July 2010
issue.  The timeline would be I would notify you of selection by
December 1, and I would want a draft by February 1, with a final
version by February 19.  If you are interested in making a
contribution but cannot meet these deadlines, please send me an
abstract for possible publication in later issues.

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD