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AHS: 2009 National Survey Documentation Is Now Online


From: American Housing Survey (AHS) ListServ <>

The 2009 National American Housing Survey is still in the field, and you won't see any data from it until at least early summer 2010.  However, the HUD USER web site now has a page for this survey, .  The page contains the "Instrument Items Booklets" for the regular survey and the reinterview survey.  These so-called booklets are actually quite large PDF files that list every question and response category in the survey instrument.  If you need to see exactly how a question is phrased and what possible responses there are, this is the document to consult.  In addition to the instrument items booklets, the page has a link to download a runnable version of the actual survey instrument.  Once installed on your Windows-based computer, you can step your way through the entire interview, seeing what the Census Field Representative sees.

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD

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