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AHS Web Site Updates


2003 Value Labels
The value labels package for the 2003 AHS data is now available on the HUD USER web site, . This package defines PROC FORMAT value labels for the character variables in the 2003 dataset and assigns the formats to the variable. The only difference between this package and the 2001 package is in the coding for the RACE variables.

2003 ASCII Data Dictionary
The 2003 ASCII data dictionary has been sent to HUD USER and should appear on the 2003 AHS web site very soon. This document is a stripped-down version of the codebook, including only variable definitions and coding. It is in ASCII format rather than the PDF of the full codebook.

User-Supplied Programs
The library of user-supplied programs has been updated and is available for download from . There are two changes. First, we've added a dictionary for importing the 1995 national file into STATA. Second, the SAS file for reading the 1993 and 1994 metro surveys has been updated to reflect the latest (2002) version of the CD ROM.

In other AHS news, as of last Thursday the field work on the 2004 metro survey was 39 percent complete. The data collection is going smoothly.

Dav Vandenbroucke
U.S. Dept. HUD
202-708-1060 ext. 5890