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The HUD Lead-Based Paint Abatement Demonstration (FHA)


Author(s): Dewberry & Davis    

Report Acceptance Date: August 1991 (142 pages)

Posted Date: January 05, 2011

The toxic effects of lead on human beings, and particularly on young children, have been known for many years. Principal sources of lead in the human environment include the following: gasoline combustion, which contaminates the air, food, soil, and dust; lead solder, which contaminates drinking water and canned foods; lead-based paint, which contaminates soil and dust and can be ingested directly as paint chips; and industrial emissions and solid waste, which contaminate air, ground water, and workers' clothing.

The most severe cases of childhood lead poisoning typically result from ingestion of lead paint chips and are characterized by clinical symptoms such as mental retardation and convulsions. In recent years, however, much lower levels of blood lead. once believed to be safe and producing no clinically observable effects. have been shown to cause diminished motor control, permanent reductions in intelligence, and behavioral problems in young children. Subclinical levels of lead poisoning may result from ingestion of lead in house dust or in soil through the normal hand-to-mouth activity of young children. Further, lead-based paint has been shown to be a principal source of lead in house dust and in the soil surrounding dwelling units.

This report is part of the collection of scanned historical documents available to the public.

Publication Categories: Historical     Publications     Housing Production and Technology     Natural and Man-Made Hazards    


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