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Drs. Julian and Raye Richardson Apartments Provides Permanent Supportive Housing in San Francisco

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August 14, 2012  

Drs. Julian and Raye Richardson Apartments Provides Permanent Supportive Housing in San Francisco

HUD USER publishes a series of Case Study examples based on federal, state, and local strategies that increase affordable housing opportunities, integrate sustainable features and practices, and increase access to public transportation. The projects featured in these reports have demonstrated innovation through a multitude of partnerships and initiatives.

The most recent Case Study is the Drs. Julian and Ray Richardson Apartments in San Francisco, California. Located in the heart of the city, the project provides 120 units of affordable, permanent supportive housing and demonstrates that a thoughtfully planned building with housing for formerly homeless residents can be a positive addition to a neighborhood. The project includes features that promote resource conservation, and the modern design was honored with the 2012 American Institute of Architects/HUD Secretary’s Housing and Community Design Award for Excellence in Affordable Housing Design.

Visit HUD USER’s Case Studies Resource page to learn how the Drs. Julian and Ray Richardson Apartments is improving the quality of life for formerly homeless persons in San Francisco and to view other promising examples of how communities across the nation are raising the bar on affordable, sustainable development.

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