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Innovation of the Day voting is now closed

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February 11, 2015  

Innovation of the Day voting is now closed

After the tremendous public response we've received over the past three weeks, we're pleased to report that Innovation of the Day (IOD) voting is now closed. We'll be tallying the votes in the coming weeks, and the top three submissions – as determined by your selections – will be announced this spring. HUD's Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation would like to express our sincere thanks to everyone who visited the IOD portal, voted for your favorite initiatives, and shared these exciting projects with colleagues and friends.

While balloting has concluded, we hope that IOD will continue to spark the exchange of creative strategies for tackling common challenges in communities around the globe. IOD supports the idea that innovation can have an increased impact when policymakers and practitioners collaborate across a range of sectors and geographies. We believe that all 26 finalist submissions are winners in their own right, and that their stories still deserve to be told.

By elevating these successful strategies to a broader audience, IOD celebrates these accomplishments with the goal of spurring new innovation in the field. If you haven't already done so, please visit Innovation of the Day, review your colleagues' accomplishments, and pass this message along to those who share our common interest and our belief that a more promising future is one that's built on shared innovation.

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