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Award Competition for Foundations; Partnership to End Youth Homelessness

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February 21, 2017  
Partnering across borders and sectors

Less than two weeks remain to apply to the Secretary's Awards for Public-Philanthropic Partnerships.

Hosted by the Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation and the Council on Foundations, these awards celebrate innovative and effective cross-sector partnerships between philanthropic and public organizations. The goal is to recognize the partnership process and its impact as a community strategy to increase the quality of life for low- and moderate-income residents across all American geographies — urban, suburban, and rural.

We encourage you to apply today and share this opportunity with philanthropic partners.  

2016 winners included:
International and Philanthropic Innovation

ENDING YOUTH HOMELESSNESS | HUD and its federal partner agencies are joining with several philanthropic organizations, including the Raikes Foundation, to align investments and resources in order to ensure that homelessness among youth and young adults is rare and the occurrences are brief.  
BOOK-RICH ENVIRONMENTS INITIATIVE | HUD launched a cross-sector partnership aimed at transforming Public Housing Agencies into book-rich environments by putting diverse, high quality books and other literacy tools into the hands of children and families living in HUD-assisted housing. 
TRANS-ATLANTIC PEER NETWORK | Dialogues for Change is an innovative peer-to-peer learning network between U.S. and German cities. Led by the German Marshall Fund and now in its third iteration, the network of three American and three German cities are exploring similar urban challenges on both sides of the Atlantic.
BEYOND HABITAT III | The Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation reflects on the United Nations Habitat III experience in Quito, Ecuador and what comes next for the United States.
Other News at HUD - In Case You Missed It 

AGING IN PLACE: HUD awarded $15 million to test a new approach to help low-income seniors age in place. These three-year grants will produce evidence about the effectiveness of an enhanced supportive services model for elderly households and to evaluate the value of enhanced service coordination paired with affordable housing for seniors.
HEALTH AND HOUSING: HUD has made grants available to help eliminate dangerous lead-based paint hazards from lower income homes in order to protect young children. Additionally, this funding will provide an opportunity for local communities to establish and support programs to control other housing-related health and safety hazards.
AMERICAN INDIAN HOUSING REPORT: Housing conditions are substantially worse among American Indian households than other U.S. households. This is one of the findings of three new comprehensive reports of tribal housing needs released by the HUD and the Urban Institute.
YOUTH HOMELESSNESS: HUD awarded $33 million to build systems intended to end youth homelessness in ten local communities, including four rural areas. HUD's Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) will support a wide range of housing programs including rapid re-housing, permanent supportive housing, transitional housing, and host homes.

All HUD Press Releases

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