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Cityscape: Volume 20 Number 1 | Selected Outcomes of Housing Assistance


Selected Outcomes of Housing Assistance

Volume 20, Number 1

Mark D. Shroder
Michelle P. Matuga

An International Perspective: Reflection on the Symposium

Kwan Ok Lee
National University of Singapore

For decades, housing affordability has remained one of the main issues in social science research in most developed countries. Therefore, I believe that the four articles in this Cityscape symposium will provide great insight to both domestic and international readers by documenting the recent state of housing assistance programs in the United States. I also appreciate the authors’ efforts to tackle critical dimensions of U.S. federal housing programs, ranging from housing quality and preservation of assisted housing units to the mobility and cost burdens of tenants. As the findings of articles are quite relevant to the non-U.S. contexts, it is worth discussing how they can provide broader implications and some cross-country lessons, including how each article relates to other articles on similar topics in the international literature.

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