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Call for Submissions

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April 30, 2015  

Call for Submissions

Cityscape Issue Icon ImageHUD's Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation serves as a partner to adapt international housing and urban policies and practices to domestic contexts. As part of this work, we source articles for the Foreign Exchange section of Cityscape, a Journal of the Office of Policy Development and Research. The Foreign Exchange section reports on new advances in housing and development policy in cities and suburbs throughout the world that could have value if applied in U.S. communities. By linking international innovations and promising practices to similar conditions and contexts here in the States, we believe we can further the conversation on applying creative solutions to communities' most pressing challenges.

As just one example of this work, HUD employees explored Chile's rental housing subsidy to assess how this program might inform improvements to HUD's Housing Choice Voucher Program.

We strongly encourage those engaged in promising work in this field who would like to be considered for inclusion in Cityscape to contact Matthew Hennessy via Submission of a short (2–3 paragraph) treatment of your proposed article is requested. For those whose treatments are accepted, final article submissions are due in early June for the upcoming issue.

We greatly appreciate you forwarding this message to colleagues who might be interested in this opportunity.

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