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Technology Roadmap: Energy Efficiency in Existing Homes - Volume Three: Prioritized Action Plan


Author(s): Newport Partners, LLC    

Report Acceptance Date: May 2004 (58 pages)

Posted Date: May 01, 2004

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This report is the third volume in a 3-volume series of technology roadmaps focused on energy efficiency in existing homes. The series describes challenges to the achievement of this vision, as well as activities and accomplishments to support these efforts including promoting new technologies, evaluating products and processes for retrofit, building capabilities among trade contractors, and identifying potential consumer incentives. Specific topics in Volume 3 include providing consumer incentives for implementation, motivating service providers to delivery energy-efficient solutions, developing a single industry protocol for practitioners, improving retrofit building envelope performance technologies, enabling practitioners to deliver energy-efficient solutions, developing a performance monitoring system for energy-consuming equipment, increasing the value consumers associates with energy efficiency, and building credibility for service providers.

PATH Roadmaps on Energy Efficiency in Existing Homes –

Background on PATH: The Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH), administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development, focused on improving the affordability and value of new and existing homes. Through public and private efforts, PATH worked to improve affordability, energy efficiency, environmental impact, quality, durability and maintenance, hazard mitigation, and labor safety. To accomplish this, PATH identified research and established priorities for technology development that could enable the home building industry to work toward the PATH mission. This priority setting process, known as "Roadmapping," brought together many industry stakeholders, including builders, remodelers, trade contractors, material and product suppliers, financial representatives, codes and standards officials, and public sector R&D sponsors. For information on other PATH Technology Roadmaps, visit the PATH Roadmaps page.

Publication Categories: Publications     Housing Production and Technology     Building Methods     PATH     Energy, Environment, and Green    


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