The U.S. Census Bureau disseminates data at a variety of summary levels, but does not provide boundary files for all of them. Three of those summary levels (080, 090, and 091) are of particular interest to community planners and social scientists. The geographic component of summary level 080 is census tract split by political boundaries, while summary levels 090 and 091 are comprised of block groups split by political boundaries. The U.S. Census provides a file called USGEO, which contains all the possible census geographical areas that each block is a part of. When joined with the national block layer, this file allows you to build any census geography from the block up. The summary level 080, 090, and 091 shapefiles provided on this site were created by joining the USGEO file to the national layer of blocks and then dissolving on the blocks using the appropriate summary level column provided in the USGEO file.
The boundary files available here are intended to supplement boundary files available from the U.S. Census Bureau. The files available from this site are for community planners interested in working with census tract and block group data that splits by jurisdiction boundaries (summary levels 080, 090, and 091). These shape files are most helpful when linked with census tract and block group data downloaded from the census standard tabulation data, CDBG low/mod area data (summary level 090), or the CHAS 2000 data (summary levels 080 and 091).
publication date
Currently, summary level 080, 090, and 091 shapefiles for Puerto Rico and other U.S. island territories are not available for download from the Boundary Files Download Site. If you need to obtain these files, please notify the contact person for these data sets (see Point of Contact section below).
451 7th Street SW
These data sets were created for the Department of Housing and Urban Development by the Urban Institute, with assistance from Dennison Associates, Inc. and KBM Group, Inc.
Metadata imported.
A unique logical record number (LOGRECNO in the geographic header) is assigned to all files for a specific geographic entity. This is done so all records for that specific entity can be linked together across files. The LOGRECO is provided only in the Summary Level 090 shapefiles. It is the unique identifier that can be used to join the CDBG lowmod dataset to those shapefiles.
U.S. Census Bureau
Unique key identifying split block group. Comprised of state + county + county subdivision + place + tract + urban/rural + block group codes.
U.S. Census Bureau
State FIPS code
U.S. Census Bureau
USPS state abbreviation
U.S. Census Bureau
County FIPS code
U.S. Census Bureau
County name
U.S. Census Bureau
County subdivision code. Comprised of state + county + county subdivision codes.
U.S. Census Bureau
Name of county subdivision.
U.S. Census Bureau
County subdivision - place code. Comprised of state + county + county subdivision + place codes.
U.S. Census Bureau
Place name.
U.S. Census Bureau
Area of shape in decimal degrees.
Length of shape in decimal degrees.
451 7th Street SW