No Place Called Home: Life Quality and Purpose of Homeless Youths
Bearsley, Cate, and Robert A. Cummins. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless 8, 4 (1999): 207-227.
Do Homeless Shelter Conditions Determine Shelter Population? The Case of the Dinkins Deluge
Cragg, Michael, and Brendan O'Flaherty. Journal of Urban Economics 46 (1999): 377-415.
A Microeconomic Analysis of Homelessness: An Empirical Investigation Using Choice-Based Sampling
Early, Dirk W. Journal of Housing Economics 8 (1999): 312-327.
Homelessness: Public Policies and Private Troubles
Hutson, Susan, and David Clapham, eds. London, United Kingdom: Cassell Academic, 1999.
Stress and Coping in Homeless Children
Landow, Robyn Wesler, and David S. Glenwick. Journal of Social Distress and the Homeless 8, 2 (1999): 79-93.