Table 15. Mortgage
Interest Rates, Points, Effective Rates, and Average Term
to Maturity on Conventional Loans Closed: 1982-Present
Source: Federal Housing Finance Board
Table 16. FHA,VA,
and PMI 1-4 Family Mortgage Insurance Activity: 1968-Present
*These operational numbers differ slightly from adjusted accounting numbers.
Sources: Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development; Department of Veterans Affairs; and Mortgage Insurance Companies of America
Table 17. FHA Unassisted
Multifamily Mortgage Insurance Activity: 1980-Present*
*Mortgage insurance written -- Initial endorsements.
Mortgage amounts are in millions of dollars.
**Includes both new construction and substantial rehabilitation
under Sections 207, 220, and 221(d).
***Includes purchase or refinance of existing rental housing
under Section 223.
****Includes congregate rental housing for the elderly under
Section 231, and nursing homes, board and care homes, assisted-living
facilities, and intermediate-care facilities under Section 232.
Includes both new construction or substantial rehabilitation,
and purchase or refinance of existing projects. Number of units
shown includes beds and housing units.
Source: Office of HousingFHA Comptroller, Department of
Housing and Urban Development
Table 18. Mortgage
Delinquencies and Foreclosures Started: 1986-Present*
*All data are seasonally adjusted.
Sources: National Delinquency Survey, Mortgage Bankers Association