Historical Data


iconTable 8. New Single-Family Home Prices: 1964–Present


Median U.S. Average
Period U.S. Northeast Midwest South West Houses Actually Sold Constant-Quality House1 2
Annual Data
1964 18,900 20,300 19,400 16,700 20,400 20,500 NA
1965 20,000 21,500 21,600 17,500 21,600 21,500 NA
1966 21,400 23,500 23,200 18,200 23,200 23,300 NA
1967 22,700 25,400 25,100 19,400 24,100 24,600 NA
1968 24,700 27,700 27,400 21,500 25,100 26,600 NA
1969 25,600 31,600 27,600 22,800 25,300 27,900 NA
1970 23,400 30,300 24,400 20,300 24,000 26,600 NA
1971 25,200 30,600 27,200 22,500 25,500 28,300 NA
1972 27,600 31,400 29,300 25,800 27,500 30,500 NA
1973 32,500 37,100 32,900 30,900 32,400 35,500 NA
1974 35,900 40,100 36,100 34,500 35,800 38,900 NA
1975 39,300 44,000 39,600 37,300 40,600 42,600 NA
1976 44,200 47,300 44,800 40,500 47,200 48,000 NA
1977 48,800 51,600 51,500 44,100 53,500 54,200 67,400
1978 55,700 58,100 59,200 50,300 61,300 62,500 77,400
1979 62,900 65,500 63,900 57,300 69,600 71,800 89,100
1980 64,600 69,500 63,400 59,600 72,300 76,400 98,100
1981 68,900 76,000 65,900 64,400 77,800 83,000 105,900
1982 69,300 78,200 68,900 66,100 75,000 83,900 108,400
1983 75,300 82,200 79,500 70,900 80,100 89,800 110,700
1984 79,900 88,600 85,400 72,000 87,300 97,600 115,100
1985 84,300 103,300 80,300 75,000 92,600 100,800 116,600
1986 92,000 125,000 88,300 80,200 95,700 111,900 121,200
1987 104,500 140,000 95,000 88,000 111,000 127,200 127,700
1988 112,500 149,000 101,600 92,000 126,500 138,300 132,400
1989 120,000 159,600 108,800 96,400 139,000 148,800 137,800
1990 122,900 159,000 107,900 99,000 147,500 149,800 140,400
1991 120,000 155,900 110,000 100,000 141,100 147,200 142,200
1992 121,500 169,000 115,600 105,500 130,400 144,100 144,100
1993 126,500 162,600 125,000 115,000 135,000 147,700 150,300
1994 130,000 169,000 132,900 116,900 140,400 154,500 157,500
1995 133,900 180,000 134,000 124,500 141,000 158,700 161,900
1996 140,000 186,000 138,000 126,200 153,900 166,400 166,400
1997 146,000 190,000 149,900 129,600 160,000 176,200 171,200
1998 152,500 200,000 157,500 135,800 163,500 181,900 175,600
1999 161,000 210,500 164,000 145,900 173,700 195,600 184,200
2000 169,000 227,400 169,700 148,000 196,400 207,000 192,000
2001 175,200 246,400 172,600 155,400 213,600 213,200 NA
Quarterly Data
1st Quarter
169,800 242,800 170,400 154,700 206,400 211,000 N/A
2nd Quarter
179,000 255,200 177,200 156,100 204,600 211,200 N/A
3rd Quarter
172,500 244,200 168,600 152,800 218,100 207,800 N/A
4th Quarter 171,100 247,800 169,500 152,100 227,200
1st Quarter 182,700 257,200 167,400 156,800 245,300

1 The average price for a constant-quality unit is derived from a set of statistical models relating sales price to selected standard physical characteristics of housing units.

2 Effective with the release of the first-quarter 2001 New Home Sales Price Index in April 2001, the Bureau of the Census began publishing the Fixed-Weighted Laspeyres Price Index on a 1996 base year. (The previous base year was 1992.) Annual "Constant-Quality House" data are no longer being published.

Sources: Census Bureau, Department of Commerce; and Office of Policy Development and Research, Department of Housing and Urban Development


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