Historical Data


iconTable 19. Expenditures for Existing Residential Properties: 1968–Present



Total Expenditures

Maintenance and Repairs1
Total Additions and Alterations2 Major Replacements5
Total Additions3 Improvements4 To Property Outside the Structure
Annual Data (Millions of Dollars)
1968 12,703 5,186 7,517 5,314 1,261 3,077 976 2,202
1969 13,535 5,479 8,055 5,885 1,094 3,409 1,382 2,170
1970 14,770 5,895 8,875 6,246 1,411 3,539 1,296 2,629
1971 16,299 6,361 9,939 6,818 1,685 3,699 1,433 3,120
1972 17,498 6,717 10,781 7,526 1,378 4,447 1,701 3,255
1973 18,512 7,924 10,588 7,386 1,360 4,694 1,332 3,202
1974 21,114 8,491 12,622 8,060 1,529 4,836 1,695 4,563
1975 25,239 9,758 15,481 10,997 1,971 6,844 2,182 4,484
1976 29,034 11,379 17,665 12,314 3,493 6,367 2,454 5,341
1977 31,280 11,344 19,936 14,237 2,655 8,505 3,077 5,699
1978 37,461 12,909 24,552 16,458 3,713 8,443 4,302 8,094
1979 42,231 14,950 27,281 18,285 3,280 9,642 5,363 8,996
1980 46,338 15,187 31,151 21,336 4,183 11,193 5,960 9,816
1981 46,351 16,022 30,329 20,414 3,164 11,947 5,303 9,915
1982 45,291 16,810 28,481 18,774 2,641 10,711 5,423 9,707
1983 49,295 18,128 31,167 20,271 4,739 11,673 3,859 10,895
1984 70,597 29,307 41,291 28,023 6,044 14,604 7,375 13,268
1985 82,127 36,349 45,778 29,259 4,027 17,922 7,309 16,519
1986 94,329 37,394 56,936 39,616 7,552 21,774 10,292 17,319
1987 98,413 40,227 58,186 41,484 9,893 22,503 9,088 16,701
1988 106,864 43,580 63,284 45,371 11,868 23,789 9,715 17,912
1989 108,054 46,089 61,966 42,176 7,191 24,593 10,391 19,788
1990 115,432 55,800 59,629 39,929 9,160 23,510 7,261 19,700
1991 107,692 55,505 52,187 33,662 8,609 17,486 7,567 18,526
1992 115,569 50,821 64,748 44,041 7,401 24,870 11,771 20,705
1993 121,899 45,785 76,114 53,512 16,381 27,657 9,472 22,604
1994 130,625 47,185 83,439 56,835 12,906 30,395 13,534 26,606
1995 124,971 47,032 77,940 51,011 11,197 29,288 10,526 26,928
1996 131,362 40,108 91,253 64,513 17,388 32,889 14,235 26,738
1997 133,577 41,145 92,432 65,222 14,575 37,126 13,523 27,210
1998 133,693 41,980 91,712 62,971 11,897 38,787 12,287 28,741
1999 142,900 42,352 100,549 72,056 16,164 42,058 13,833 28,493
2000 152,975 42,236 110,739 77,979 18,189 40,384 19,407 32,760
Quarterly Data (Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rates)
3rd Quarter 150,800 42,000 108,900 83,800 NA NA NA 25,100
4th Quarter 160,300 39,200 121,100 84,800 NA NA NA 36,300
1st Quarter 169,300 54,200 115,100 85,200 NA NA NA 29,900
2nd Quarter 165,800 46,900 119,000 79,800 NA NA NA 39,200
3rd Quarter









1 Maintenance and repairs are incidental costs that keep a property in ordinary working condition.

2Additions and alterations to property outside the structure include walks, driveways, walls, fences, pools, garages, sheds, etc.

3Additions refer to actual enlargements of the structure.

4Alterations refer to changes or improvements made within or on the structure.

5Major replacements are relatively expensive and are not considered repairs and include furnaces, boilers, roof replacement, central air conditioning, etc.

Source: Census Bureau, Department of Commerce


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