Historical Data


iconTable 23. Net Change in Number of Households by Type of Household: 1971–Present*


Period Total Families4 Non-Family Households One–Person Households
Husband-Wife Other Male Headed Other Female Headed Male Headed Female Headed Males Females
With Children Without Children
Annual Data
19711 848 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1972 1,898 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1973 1,575 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1974r 1,554 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1975 1,358 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1976 1,704 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1977 1,275 (191) 366 36 206 199 109 223 326
1978 1,888 (228) 114 103 497 126 93 713 470
1979 1,300 (91) 396 53 182 143 131 112 375
19802 3,446 426 1024 115 485 240 60 502 592
1981 1,592 56 126 201 377 184 9 287 353
1982 1,159 (393) 730 53 322 (50) 81 229 189
1983 391 (2) 278 31 65 87 33 (31) (73)
1984r 1,372 (60) 234 21 427 142 14 35 562
1985 1,499 (178) 447 189 233 (12) 62 436 319
1986 1,669 458 125 187 81 171 71 363 213
1987 1,021 75 529 96 235 43 95 (39) (12)
1988r 1,645 (107) 244 344 243 62 51 557 249
1989 1,706 135 290 0 196 213 99 390 385
1990 517 (123) 341 30 5 (124) 97 (144) 435
1991 965 (66) (104) 28 373 143 (1) 401 191
1992 1,364 (53) 363 114 430 115 12 163 220
19933 750 550 83 44 364 37 87 (169) (247)
1994 681 207 (128) (145) 340 170 185 (4) 57
1995 1,883 250 439 308 (182) 28 (80) 700 421
1996 637 (333) 43 286 295 11 169 148 20
1997 1,391 153 (117) 340 270 204 37 154 349
1998 1,510 246 467 61 (136) (143) 89 568 356
1999 1,346 (211) 663 63 139 280 132 (44) 323
2000 831 149 392 48 (98) 58 165 215 (97)
Quarterly Data
1st Quarter 300 68 149 96 (234) 13 (49) 40 218
2nd Quarter (28) 155 (165) (75) (38) 37 (40) 111 (13)
3rd Quarter 81 (408) 50 52 500 (105) (28) 17 4
4th Quarter 787 (138) 306 166 (182) 125 228 153 127
1st Quarter 487 272 121 (30) (54) (80) (112) 326 45

*Units in thousands.

rImplementation of new March CPS processing system.

1Data from 1971 to 1979 weighted based on the 1970 decennial census.

2Data from 1980 to 1992 weighted based on the 1980 decennial census.

3Beginning in 1993 CPS data weighted based on the 1990 decennial census.

4Primary families only.

Source: Current Population Survey, Census Bureau

Note: The source of annual data is the Current Population Survey March Supplement. The quarterly data source is the monthly Current Population Survey/Housing Vacancy Survey.

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