Historical Data


iconTable 25. Total U.S. Housing Stock: 1970–Present*


Period Total5 Seasonal Total Year Round Total Vacant Year Round For Rent For Sale Only Other Vacant Total Occupied Owner Renter
Annual Data
19701 68,672 973 67,699 4,207 1,655 477 2,075 63,445 39,886 23,560
1973 75,969 676 75,293 5,956 1,545 502 3,909 69,337 44,653 24,684
1974 77,601 1,715 75,886 5,056 1,630 547 2,879 70,830 45,784 25,046
1975 79,087 1,534 77,553 5,030 1,489 577 2,964 72,523 46,867 25,656
1976 80,881 1,565 79,316 5,311 1,544 617 3,150 74,005 47,904 26,101
1977 82,420 1,704 80,716 5,436 1,532 596 3,308 75,280 48,765 26,515
1978 84,618 1,785 82,833 5,667 1,545 624 3,498 77,167 50,283 26,884
1979 86,374 1,788 84,586 6,014 1,600 677 3,737 78,572 51,411 27,160
1980 88,207 2,183 86,024 5,953 1,497 755 3,701 80,072 52,516 27,556
19802 88,411 1,718 86,693 NA NA NA NA 80,390 51,795 28,595
19813 91,561 1,950 89,610 6,435 1,634 812 3,989 83,175 54,342 28,833
1983 93,519 1,845 91,675 7,037 1,906 955 4,176 84,638 54,724 29,914
1985 99,931 3,182 96,749 8,324 2,518 1,128 4,678 88,425 56,145 32,280
1987 102,652 2,837 99,818 8,927 2,895 1,116 4,916 90,888 58,164 32,724
1989 105,661 2,881 102,780 9,097 2,644 1,115 5,338 93,683 59,916 33,767
19904 102,264 NA NA NA NA NA NA 91,947 59,025 32,923
1991 104,592 2,728 101,864 8,717 2,684 1,026 5,007 93,147 59,796 33,351
1993 106,611 3,088 103,522 8,799 2,651 889 5,258 94,724 61,252 33,472
1995 109,457 3,054 106,403 8,710 2,666 917 5,128 97,693 63,544 34,150
1997 112,357 3,166 109,191 9,704 2,884 1,043 5,777 99,487 65,487 34,000
1999 119,044 3,268 115,776 10,848 3,119 1,184 6,545 104,928 70,097 34,831
2001 121,480 3,554 117,926 10,916 3,203 1,301 6,412 107,010 72,593 34,417
Quarterly Data
1st Quarter 121,148 3,541 117,607 10,813 3,135 1,141 6,537 106,794 72,131 34,663
2nd Quarter 121,615 3,766 117,849 11,084 3,175 1,300 6,609 106,765 72,252 34,513
3rd Quarter 121,195 3,491 117,704 10,857 3,164 1,410 6,283 106,847 72,774 34,073
4th Quarter 121,963 3,418 118,545 10,912 3,336 1,353 6,223 107,633 73,215 34,418
1st Quarter 122,885 3,506 119,379 11,259 3,539 1,253 6,467 108,120 73,327 34,793

*Components may not add to totals because of rounding. Units in thousands.

1Census of Housing 1970.

2Census of Housing 1980.

3American Housing Survey estimates are available in odd-numbered years only after 1981.

4Census of Housing 1990.

5Annual Housing Survey estimates through 1981 based on 1970 census weights; 1983 to 1989 estimates based on 1980 census weights; 1991 and 1995 estimates based on 1990 census weights. No reduction in Nation’s housing inventory has ever occurred; apparent reductions are due to changes in bases used for weighting sample data.

Sources: Annual Data—Annual or American Housing Surveys; Quarterly Data—Current Population Series/Housing Vacancy Survey in Current Housing Reports: Housing Vacancies and Homeownership, Census Bureau, Department of Commerce

http://www.census.gov/hhes/www/hvs.html (See Table 4)

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