Historical Data


iconTable 29. Homeownership Rates by Race and Ethnicity: 1983–Present


Period Non-Hispanic Hispanic
White Black Other
March Supplemental Data
19831 69.1 45.6 53.3 41.2
1984r 69.0 46.0 50.9 40.1
1985 69.0 44.4 50.7 41.1
1986 68.4 44.8 49.7 40.6
1987 68.7 45.8 48.7 40.6
1988r 69.1 42.9 49.7 40.6
1989 69.3 42.1 50.6 41.6
1990 69.4 42.6 49.2 41.2
1991 69.5 42.7 51.3 39.0
1992 69.6 42.6 52.5 39.9
19932 70.2 42.0 50.6 39.4
Annual Averages of Monthly Data
1994 70.0 42.5 50.8 41.2
1995 70.9 42.9 51.5 42.0
1996 71.7 44.5 51.5 42.8
1997 72.0 45.4 53.3 43.3
1998 72.6 46.1 53.7 44.7
1999 73.2 46.7 54.1 45.5
2000 73.8 47.6 53.9 46.3
2001 74.3 48.4 54.7 47.3
Quarterly Averages of Monthly Data
1st Quarter 74.0 48.2 54.6 46.1
2nd Quarter 74.1 48.6 55.2 46.1
3rd Quarter 74.6 48.1 55.1 48.1
4th Quarter 74.4 48.7 53.8 48.8
1st Quarter 74.3 48.6 54.0 47.6

r Implementation of new March CPS processing system.

1CPS data from 1983 to 1992 are weighted based on the 1980 decennial census.

2Beginning in 1993 CPS data weighted based on the 1990 decennial census.

Source: Current Population Survey, Census Bureau

Note: The annual data come from two sources: for years 1983 to 1993, the source is the March demographic supplement of the Current Population Survey; and for years 1994 and later, the data are the average of the 12 monthly Current Population Surveys/Housing Vacancy Surveys. For the quarterly data, the source is the corresponding three monthly Current Population Surveys/Housing Vacancy Surveys.

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