Table 11. Housing Affordability Index: 1970-Present |

*The composite affordability index is the ratio
of median family income to qualifying income. Values over one
indicate that the typical (median) family has more than sufficient
income to purchase the median-priced home.
1The Federal Housing Finance Board's monthly effective
rate (points are amortized over 10 years) combines fixed-rate
and adjustable-rate loans. Entries under Annual Data are averages
of the monthly rates.

Table 12. Market Absorption of New Rental Units and Median Asking Rent: 1970-Present |

Sources: Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce;
and Office of Policy Development and Research, Department of
Housing and Urban Development

Table 13. Builders' Views of Housing Market Activity: 1978-Present |

Source: National Association of Home Builders,
Builders Economic Council Survey

Table 14. Mortgage Interest Rates, Average Commitment Rates, and Points: 1972-Present |

1 Annual data for the FHA rate are
based on the most active (modal) quote and the secondary market
discount (excluding origination fee) until 1994. Subsequent
annual and monthly data are based on the average rate quoted
and the primary market discount (excluding origination fee).
Sources: Office of Housing, Department of Housing and Urban
Development (FHA), and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation
*Mortgage loan interest rate data on FHA-insured loans are no
longer collected by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.