*Components may not add to totals because of
rounding. Units in thousands.
1Census of Housing 1970
2Census of Housing 1980
3American Housing Survey estimates are available
in odd-numbered years only after 1981.
4Census of Housing 1990
5Annual Housing Survey estimates through 1981 based
on 1970 census weights; 1983 to 1989 estimates based on 1980
census weights; 1991 and 1995 estimates based on 1990 census
weights. No reduction in Nation's housing inventory has ever
occured; apparent reductions are due to changes in bases used
for weighting sample data.
Source: Annual DataAnnual or American Housing Surveys;
Quarterly DataCurrent Population Series/Housing Vacancy
Survey in Current Housing Reports: Housing Vacancies and
Homeownership, Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce
->See Census Bureau's Table 4