Raphael Bostic, Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research
Dr. Raphael Bostic has served as the Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research (PD&R) since July 16, 2009. In this Senate-confirmed position, he is a key advisor to the Secretary on overall Departmental policy, program evaluations, demonstrations, and research.
Dr. Bostic leads a multi-disciplinary team of nearly 160 people that is responsible for providing current information on housing needs, economic and housing market conditions at the regional, city, and local levels, and research on important housing and community development issues. This information helps the Secretary and other principal staff make informed decisions on HUD policies and programs, as well as budget and legislative proposals. Dr. Bostic served as a professor in the University of Southern California's School of Policy, Planning, and Development where he examined how credit markets, financing, and policy enhance household access to economic and social amenities, with a particular focus on housing and homeownership. He was Director of USC's Master of Real Estate Development degree program and was the founding director of the Casden Real Estate Economics Forecast. Prior to that, he worked at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, where his work on the Community Reinvestment Act earned him a Special Achievement Award. Dr. Bostic previously served as a special assistant to his current position for Assistant Secretary Susan Wachter. He earned his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University and his BA from Harvard University.