FMR IL Dataset API Documentation
Click here to view Terms of Service of the HUD User API
Getting an Access Token
Follow these steps to create an account and get an access token:
- Sign up for an account and select the Datasets API you want to access.
- Confirm your account, if it's new - Check your inbox for a confirmation email from HUD User.
- After log in, Get an access token by clicking on Create New Token.
- Use it in the Authorization: Bearer header to make API calls.
Base URL
The base URL for all FMR API endpoints is
The table below shows the path that completes the URI for each endpoint.
To.. | Endpoint |
Get a list of all states |
fmr/listStates |
Get a list of all counties in a state |
fmr/listCounties/{stateid} |
Get a list of all Metropolitan areas |
fmr/listMetroAreas |
Get FMR data for a town(in NE state), county or metropolitan area. |
fmr/data/{entityid} |
Get FMR data for a state. |
fmr/statedata/{statecode} |
Get IL data for a town(in NE state), county or metropolitan area. |
il/data/{entityid} |
Get IL data for a state. |
il/statedata/{statecode} |
Get MTSP IL data for a town(in NE state), county or metropolitan area. |
mtspil/data/{entityid} |
Response Codes
One of the following response codes will be returned with every request:
code | description |
200 |
Request was successful |
400 |
An invalid value was specified for one of the query parameters in the request URI. |
401 |
Authentication failure |
403 |
Not allowed to access this dataset API because you have not registered for it. |
404 |
No data found using '(value you entered)' |
405 |
Unsupported method, only GET is supported |
406 |
Unsupported Accept Header value, must be application/json |
500 |
Internal server error occurred |
Input parameters
These parameters appear after a question mark (?) in the endpoint. They are separated using the ampersand (&) character.
name | description |
year |
Year of the data to retrieve E.g. 2017. Default is latest year. Optional |
Example Call
Pass the accesstoken in the header to make API calls. An example using the command-line client curl is shown below:
curl -H "Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_KEY"
API Tester
Use the API Tester to make API calls to Datasets. The API Tester requires an access token. If you have forgotten or
do not have a token, click here.
Response Structure for /listStates
property | type | description |
state_name |
string |
State name |
state_code |
string |
State code |
state_num |
string |
State number |
category |
string |
Value is "State" |
Response Example for /listStates
API call:
"data":[ { "state_name": "Alabama", "state_code": "AL", "state_num": "1", "category": "State" }, { "state_name": "Alaska", "state_code": "AK", "state_num": "2", "category": "State" }, { "state_name": "American Samoa", "state_code": "AS", "state_num": "60", "category": "State" }, ... ]
Response Structure for /listCounties/{state_code}
property | type | description |
state_code |
string |
State code |
fips_code |
string |
fips code of the county |
county_name |
string |
County name |
town_name |
string |
Town name - applicable for North East regions |
category |
string |
Value is "County" |
Response Example for /listCounties/{state_code}
API call:
"data":[ { "state_code": "VA", "fips_code": "5100199999", "county_name": "Accomack County", "town_name": "", "category": "County" }, { "state_code": "VA", "fips_code": "5100399999", "county_name": "Albemarle County", "town_name": "", "category": "County" }, { "state_code": "VA", "fips_code": "5151099999", "county_name": "Alexandria city", "town_name": "", "category": "County" }, ... ]
Response Structure for /listMetroAreas
property | type | description |
cbsa_code |
string |
cbsa code of the Metropolitan Area |
area_name |
string |
area name |
category |
string |
Value is "MetroArea" |
Response Example for /listMetroAreas
API call:
"data":[ { "cbsa_code": "METRO10180M10180", "area_name": "Abilene, TX MSA", "category": "MetroArea" }, { "cbsa_code": "METRO29180N22001", "area_name": "Acadia Parish, LA HUD Metro FMR Area", "category": "MetroArea" }, { "cbsa_code": "METRO10380M10380", "area_name": "Aguadilla-Isabela, PR HUD Metro FMR Area", "category": "MetroArea" }, ... ]
Response Structure for fmr/data/{entityid}?year=2017
property | type | description |
county_name |
string |
Name of the county if it is a county. |
counties_msa |
string |
Names of all counties belonging to the Metro Area if it is a Metro Area (MSA). |
town_name |
string |
Town name - applicable for North East regions |
metro_status |
string |
value will be "1" if it is a metropolitan county. Otherwise value will be "0". |
metro_name |
string |
Metro area name if metro_status is "1" |
smallarea_status |
string |
value will be "1" if it is a small area. Otherwise value will be "0". |
basicdata |
object |
Data for the requested year. |
Efficiency |
string |
Efficiency FMR |
One-Bedroom |
string |
1-bedroom FMR |
Two-Bedroom |
string |
2-bedroom FMR |
Three-Bedroom |
string |
3-bedroom FMR |
Four-Bedroom |
string |
4-bedroom FMR |
year |
string |
Value of year |
Response Example for fmr/data/{entityid}?year=2017
API call:
"data": { "county_name": "Rutland County, VT", "counties_msa": "", "town_name": "Wallingford town", "metro_status": "0", "metro_name": "", "basicdata": { "Efficiency": "758.0", "One-Bedroom": "769.0", "Two-Bedroom": "948.0", "Three-Bedroom": "1186.0", "Four-Bedroom": "1386.0", "year": "2017" }, }
Response Example for fmr/data/{entityid} if entity will use Small Area FMRs as defined by ZIP codes.
Note: The field "zip_code": "MSA level" has been added to the API to provide MSA-level data for regions utilizing Small Area FMRs.
API call:
"data": { "county_name": "", "counties_msa": "Alexandria city, VA; Arlington County, VA; Calvert County, MD; Charles County, MD; Clarke County, VA; District of Columbia, DC; Fairfax city, VA; Fairfax County, VA; Falls Church city, VA; Fauquier County, VA; Frederick County, MD; Fredericksburg city, VA; Loudoun County, VA; Manassas city, VA; Manassas Park city, VA; Montgomery County, MD; Prince George's County, MD; Prince William County, VA; Spotsylvania County, VA; and Stafford County, VA", "town_name": "", "metro_status": "1", "metro_name": "Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV", "area_name": "Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD HUD Metro FMR Area", "smallarea_status": "1", "year": "2024", "basicdata": [ { "zip_code": "MSA level", "Efficiency": 1772, "One-Bedroom": 1803, "Two-Bedroom": 2045, "Three-Bedroom": 2544, "Four-Bedroom": 3015 }, { "zip_code": "20001", "Efficiency": 2460, "One-Bedroom": 2500, "Two-Bedroom": 2840, "Three-Bedroom": 3530, "Four-Bedroom": 4190 }, { "zip_code": "20002", "Efficiency": 1750, "One-Bedroom": 1780, "Two-Bedroom": 2020, "Three-Bedroom": 2510, "Four-Bedroom": 2980 }, { "zip_code": "20003", "Efficiency": 2660, "One-Bedroom": 2710, "Two-Bedroom": 3070, "Three-Bedroom": 3820, "Four-Bedroom": 4530 }, ... ] }
Response Structure for fmr/statedata/{statecode}?year=2017
property | type | description |
year |
String |
The year of the data being displayed |
metroareas |
array |
Data of all metro areas in this State |
counties |
array |
Data of all counties in this State |
code |
string |
code of cbsa/county |
name |
string |
Name of the cbsa/county |
Efficiency |
string |
Efficiency FMR |
One-Bedroom |
string |
1-bedroom FMR |
Two-Bedroom |
string |
2-bedroom FMR |
Three-Bedroom |
string |
3-bedroom FMR |
Four-Bedroom |
string |
4-bedroom FMR |
statename |
string |
state name |
state_code |
string |
state code |
town_name |
string |
Town name - applicable for North East States |
smallarea_status |
string |
value will be "1" if it is a small area. Otherwise value will be "0". |
Response Example for fmr/statedata/{statecode}
API call:
"data": { "year": "2018", "metroareas": [ { "code": "METRO12700M12700", "name": "Barnstable Town, MA MSA", "state_name": "Massachusetts", "state_code": "MA", "Efficiency": "925.0", "One-Bedroom": "1048.0", "Two-Bedroom": "1394.0", "Three-Bedroom": "1757.0", "Four-Bedroom": "1919.0", "smallarea_status": 0 }, { "code": "METRO38340N25003", "name": "Berkshire County, MA (part) HUD Metro FMR Area", "state_name": "Massachusetts", "state_code": "MA", "Efficiency": "836.0", "One-Bedroom": "849.0", "Two-Bedroom": "988.0", "Three-Bedroom": "1239.0", "Four-Bedroom": "1441.0", "smallarea_status": 0 }, ... ] , "counties": [ { "town_name": "Abington town", "county_name": "Plymouth County", "metro_name": "Brockton, MA HUD Metro FMR Area", "fips_code": "2502300170", "Efficiency": 1064, "One-Bedroom": 1160, "Two-Bedroom": 1528, "Three-Bedroom": 1918, "Four-Bedroom": 2240, "FMR Percentile": 40, "statename": "Massachusetts", "statecode": "MA", "smallarea_status": 0 }, { "town_name": "Acton town", "county_name": "Middlesex County", "metro_name": "Boston-Cambridge-Quincy, MA-NH HUD Metro FMR Area", "fips_code": "2501700380", "Efficiency": 1715, "One-Bedroom": 1900, "Two-Bedroom": 2311, "Three-Bedroom": 2880, "Four-Bedroom": 3131, "FMR Percentile": 40, "statename": "Massachusetts", "statecode": "MA", "smallarea_status": 0 }, ... ] ]
Response Structure for il/data/{entityid}?year=2017
property | type | description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
county_name |
string |
Name of the county if it is a county. |
counties_msa |
string |
Names of all counties belonging to the Metro Area if it is a Metro Area (MSA). |
town_name |
string |
Town name - applicable for North East regions |
metro_status |
string |
value will be "1" if it is a metropolitan county. Otherwise value will be "0". |
metro_name |
string |
Metro area name if metro_status is "1" |
year |
string |
year of the data |
median_income |
string |
Median Income for the area |
object |
Very Low (50%) Income Limits |
object |
Extremely Low (30%) Income Limits |
object |
Low (80%) Income Limits |
Response Example for il/data/0100199999
API call:
"data": { "county_name": "Autauga County, AL", "counties_msa": "", "town_name": "", "metro_status": "1", "metro_name": "Montgomery, AL MSA", "area_name": "Montgomery, AL MSA", "year": "2019", "median_income": 65900, "very_low": { "il50_p1": 23100, "il50_p2": 26400, "il50_p3": 29700, "il50_p4": 32950, "il50_p5": 35600, "il50_p6": 38250, "il50_p7": 40900, "il50_p8": 43500 }, "extremely_low": { "il30_p1": 13850, "il30_p2": 16910, "il30_p3": 21330, "il30_p4": 25750, "il30_p5": 30170, "il30_p6": 34590, "il30_p7": 39010, "il30_p8": 43430 }, "low": { "il80_p1": 36900, "il80_p2": 42200, "il80_p3": 47450, "il80_p4": 52700, "il80_p5": 56950, "il80_p6": 61150, "il80_p7": 65350, "il80_p8": 69600 } }
Response Structure for mtspil/data/{entityid}?year=2024
property | type | description | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
county_name |
string |
Name of the county if it is a county. |
counties_msa |
string |
Names of all counties belonging to the Metro Area if it is a Metro Area (MSA). |
town_name |
string |
Town name - applicable for North East regions |
metro_status |
string |
value will be "1" if it is a metropolitan county. Otherwise value will be "0". |
metro_name |
string |
Metro area name if metro_status is "1" |
year |
string |
year of the data |
median_income |
string |
Median Income for the area |
Response Example for mtspil/data/METRO11020M11020
API call:
{ "data": { "county_name": "", "counties_msa": "Blair County, PA; ", "town_name": "", "metro_status": "1", "metro_name": "Altoona, PA", "area_name": "Altoona, PA MSA", "year": "2024", "median_income": 86900, "80percent": { "il80_p1": 47600, "il80_p2": 54320, "il80_p3": 61120, "il80_p4": 67920, "il80_p5": 73360, "il80_p6": 78800, "il80_p7": 84240, "il80_p8": 89680 }, "70percent": { "il70_p1": 41650, "il70_p2": 47530, "il70_p3": 53480, "il70_p4": 59430, "il70_p5": 64190, "il70_p6": 68950, "il70_p7": 73710, "il70_p8": 78470 }, "60percent": { "il60_p1": 35700, "il60_p2": 40740, "il60_p3": 45840, "il60_p4": 50940, "il60_p5": 55020, "il60_p6": 59100, "il60_p7": 63180, "il60_p8": 67260 }, "50percent": { ... }, "40percent": { ... }, "30percent": { ... }, "20percent": { ... }, "hera_special_50percent": { "hera_special_il50_p1": 30950, "hera_special_il50_p2": 35350, "hera_special_il50_p3": 39750, "hera_special_il50_p4": 44150, "hera_special_il50_p5": 47700, "hera_special_il50_p6": 51250, "hera_special_il50_p7": 54750, "hera_special_il50_p8": 58300 }, "hera_special_60percent": { "hera_special_il60_p1": 37140, "hera_special_il60_p2": 42420, "hera_special_il60_p3": 47700, "hera_special_il60_p4": 52980, "hera_special_il60_p5": 57240, "hera_special_il60_p6": 61500, "hera_special_il60_p7": 65700, "hera_special_il60_p8": 69960 } } }