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A New Cityscape Has Arrived!

08 December 2009    
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A New Cityscape Has Arrived!


The public policy debate on immigration in the United States gains empirical depth and momentum in the newest issue of Cityscape (Vol.11, No.3), published by HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research. Authors of the articles in this symposium offer original, scientific research aimed at answering such questions as: Why do some immigrants become citizens while others do not? How does immigration affect metropolitan economies? Where do immigrants cluster, and why? How do immigrants go about certain aspects of their daily lives, such as commuting?

The new issue also features refereed research by:
The "Departments" section of the new issue contains important background papers on the past, present, and possible futures of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; the curious geographic discrepancies between high residential and commercial vacancy rates; the availability and characteristics of a large and unique panel of data on low- to moderate-income and minority mortgagors; and new techniques for improving the performance and reducing the cost of house framing.

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Print copies may be ordered by calling 1-800-245-2691, option 1.


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