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AHS: New Releases on HUD USER


From: American Housing Survey (AHS) ListServ <>

There are two new items on the HUD USER web site related to the American Housing Survey (AHS): the 2009 national value labels package and the 2004-2009 New Orleans CINCH and Rental Dynamics report.

AHS 2009 Value Label Package (*zip, 32 KB)

The value labels package is a set of files that attach SAS formats to many variables in the 2009 AHS public use file. This will allow you to format your SAS output to display meaningful labels for AHS values. For example, a tabulation of TENURE will display as "Owned," "Rented for cash," "No-cash rent," etc., instead of "1," "2," "3," etc. Users of other analytic software may find the files in this package handy for copying and pasting value labels, saving the effort of typing.

2004-2009 New Orleans CINCH and Rental Dynamics Report

The Components of Inventory Change (CINCH) project uses the longitudinal features of the AHS to examine how the housing stock changes from one survey year to the next. Rental Dynamics is a specialized form of CINCH, focusing on changes in the affordability of the rental stock. The report examining changes in New Orleans between 2004 and 2009 is now available for download from

Dav Vandenbroucke
Senior Economist
U.S. Dept. HUD

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