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Newly-released Products Expand Usefulness of AHS Data

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This week, HUD and Census released a new report along with two updated products to help you as you work with the AHS data.

The new report, "Break-in-Series Evaluation for the 2015 AHS" examines and explains the impact of the 2015 AHS major redesign on key estimates that could be critical to your work. The report features data collected from a bridge sample of 6,000 AHS housing units that HUD and Census initiated to determine whether differences in the data were due to sample redesign or true changes in the housing stock.

Users of the 2015 AHS PUF can now access a newly-updated version of the 2015 Table Specifications Excel workbook. This comprehensive resource not only contains the code we use to translate our Internal Use File microdata into the Summary Table estimates, but the updated version also includes "Estimates for User Verification," so you can compare your own estimates to those produced by HUD and Census.

We also released an updated version of the AHS Bibliography database, which puts the most current articles and reports featuring AHS data at your fingertips, including 2017 publications.

We want to hear from you! Please let us know how we can improve the survey and make it more accessible and easier to use. We also want to know how we can help you and your colleagues use the survey data to better achieve your goals. Questions? Suggestions? The AHS team is here to help. Call 1-800-245-2691 or email
