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Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): Exploring Office-to-Residential Conversions

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August 03, 2023  

Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO): Exploring Office-to-Residential Conversions

HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research is excited to announce a new funding opportunity to study recent efforts to convert downtown office buildings to properties with residential units since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vacant office buildings coupled with a crisis of affordable housing have recently spurred efforts among city leaders to jointly address these issues through incentives and flexibilities that allow for the conversion of vacant office buildings for residential use. Research supported by this NOFO will compile case studies of conversion projects that have taken place since the start of the pandemic, improve understanding of the financing limitations associated with conversions and the policy reforms and subsidies that can make projects more economically viable, propose metrics to evaluate conversions on housing affordability and other outcomes, and develop a guide for local leaders and practitioners.

HUD will award up to $860,000 under this NOFO. Submitted research proposals must describe how the knowledge generated under the proposed project will contribute to understanding the federal, state, or local policies and programs designed to address office-to-residential conversions.

Proposals are due by October 12, 2023. The full text of the funding announcement can be found here.

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