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New Updates on PD&R Edge


28 May, 2024

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PD&R Edge, an online magazine, provides you with a snapshot view of our newly released research, periodicals, publications, news, and commentaries on housing and urban development issues.

Featured image Street-level view of Dewey Square in downtown Boston, Massachusetts.

Released in June 2023, the California Statewide Study of People Experiencing Homelessness is the most extensive representative study of homelessness in California since the mid-1990s. On March 21, 2024, the study’s principal investigator and panelists at Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies presented and discussed the report’s findings and implications, including the entanglement of individual vulnerabilities with structural issues, the need to expand housing production and housing subsidies, and the value for other jurisdictions in pursuing similar research to gain insights into the particular dynamics of homelessness in their areas.

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Solomon Greene (left) and Tanaya Srini (right).

On the Road to the 2024 Innovative Housing Showcase

In the Leadership Message, Senior Advisor for Innovation Tanaya Srini and Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy Development and Research Solomon Greene discuss the upcoming 2024 Innovative Housing Showcase, HUD’s largest annual public event, where visitors can explore cutting-edge models and methods of building housing to meet our nation’s current and future needs. In particular, the authors discuss examples of community-powered innovation for impact and cross-sector collaboration.

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Two demo houses on exhibit at the National Mall.


Sneak Peek: Unveiling the Highlights of the 2024 Innovation Housing Showcase
The annual Innovative Housing Showcase will be held this year from June 7 to 9 on the National Mall. It will feature exhibits presenting cutting-edge technologies that promise to transform the landscape of housing construction. The 2024 showcase will highlight technologies such as mass timber and panelized wall systems that promise to improve construction processes and address housing affordability and sustainability issues. This year’s showcase will also focus on how regulatory frameworks influence the adoption of novel construction methods. Other topics featured will include modular and manufactured homes, tiny homes and accessory dwelling units, and rapid shelters. Convenings of experts, policymakers, and practitioners will also be livestreamed to enable virtual attendance.

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Exterior image of a modern, two-story apartment building at dusk.


Process and Construction Innovations Expand Affordable Multifamily Housing in Minneapolis
In Minneapolis, Minnesota, modular construction is helping the city’s public housing agency upgrade and expand its portfolio of affordable family housing, almost all of which consists of single-family and duplex structures scattered throughout the city. The Family Housing Expansion Project consists of 84 new units distributed across 16 sites, gently densifying opportunity-rich neighborhoods in line with the city’s Minneapolis 2040 plan, which calls for the broad curtailment of single-family zoning. The project is notable for the efficiencies gained by modular construction and for the city’s innovative RFP process.

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Map illustrating the boundaries of the 10 regions defined by HUD and their included states.

Elevated Apartment Construction Softens Jacksonville HMA Rental Market

The Jacksonville Housing Market Area (Jacksonville HMA) in northeast Florida is coterminous with the Jacksonville, FL Metropolitan Statistical Area and includes Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns Counties. The Jacksonville HMA’s economy is strong, and although job growth has slowed slightly in the most recent 12 months, the economy has returned to the growth rate it had before the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite strong population growth in the HMA, however, rising mortgage rates and a limited inventory of for-sale housing contributed to declining home sales, and elevated apartment construction contributed to rising apartment vacancy rates.

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