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News from HUD User



14 January, 2025

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Kalamazoo, Michigan: Affordable and Workforce Housing Incorporates Mixed-Use, Place-based Solutions

In 2021, the Creamery opened as a mixed-used affordable housing development in the historic business district of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Developed by Hollander Development Corporation, the project transforms a former brownfield site into a LEED Platinum-certified building that provides 48 affordable and workforce housing units. The ground-floor space hosts community-focused businesses, including the county’s first 24-hour childcare center and a dance and fitness studio offering affordable classes. The Creamery is the product of place-based development possible through innovative partnerships between social impact investors, tax-exempt bonds, and local funders.

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Avalon Villas Combines Affordable Housing and Services for Families in a Gentrifying Phoenix Neighborhood

Avalon Villas is an affordable housing community for families in Phoenix, Arizona. Opened in 2021, the development has 7 residential buildings with 94 units, including 42 three- and four-bedroom townhomes. The community includes family friendly amenities such as a dog park, play structures, and a splash pad. Notably, the development also has a Head Start classroom serving residents and members of the broader community. In addition, peer support specialists help residents navigate addiction treatment, behavioral health care, transportation, and other services. With its location in South Phoenix, Avalon Villas brings needed affordable housing to this high-opportunity but high-cost neighborhood.

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Advancing HUD's Learning Agenda through Cooperative Agreements with Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Alaska Native/ Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions

This Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) announces $10 million to support quality research by Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian-Serving Institutions that contributes to knowledge on housing and community development. PD&R has identified a subset of research questions adapted from HUD's Learning Agenda that are the focus of this NOFO. The research questions are grouped under seven broad topic areas: (1) Community Development and Place-Based Initiatives, (2) Disaster Recovery, (3) Fair Housing, (4) Homelessness, (5) Homeownership, Asset Building, and Economic Opportunity, (6) Housing and Health, and (7) American Indian, Alaska Native, and/or Native Hawaiian Housing Needs. PD&R believes that Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) are uniquely positioned to address the selected research questions in a manner that could amplify the impact of the research findings at the state and local level. Interested institutions are encouraged to visit PD&R's webpage for MSIs to access short papers that provide a high-level overview of the selected research questions included in the NOFO, and potential applicants should carefully review the NOFO for the application instructions.

Applications are due on April 9, 2025. For more information on this funding opportunity and the eligible research questions, please visit the FR-6900-N-29F funding opportunity page on

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Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) Program for Fiscal Years 2024 and 2025

The Distressed Cities Technical Assistance (DCTA) program announced the availability of up to $4.675 million in fiscal year 2024 funding. These funds will expand the program's capacity to provide essential support to local governments serving small communities experiencing economic hardship. Learn more about the DCTA program on HUD User and about this funding opportunity on Interested applicants may also join a Microsoft Teams meeting on Tuesday, February 6, from 2:00–3:00pm EST for an overview of the funding opportunity. Access the meeting via this direct link, or by dialing +1 202-510-9533 and entering ID 761 045 993. The meeting will be recorded and available for later viewing on HUD's Funding Opportunity website.

Applications are due on March 10, 2025. For more information on this funding opportunity, please visit the FR-6900-N-54 funding opportunity page on

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Research on Financing and Other Non-Zoning Barriers to Increasing Missing Middle Housing Supply

HUD will award up to $500,000 under this NOFO to study financing and other non-zoning barriers to constructing Missing Middle Housing (MMH). MMH is housing that ranges in size from Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs) to duplexes, townhomes, and small-scale apartment buildings. MMH may be an effective tool to increase the supply of both market and affordable housing, however, it comprises only a small segment of the total housing stock. Research funded by this NOFO will identify the prevalence and impact of financing and other non-zoning barriers to producing MMH, and locate successful strategies to help federal, state, and local governments, and private stakeholders overcome these challenges and increase MMH supply. Submitted research proposals must describe how the knowledge generated under the proposed project will contribute to understanding the financing and other non-zoning barriers to producing MMH.

Applications are due by February 25, 2025. For more information on this funding opportunity, please visit FR-6900-N-29N funding opportunity page on

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The Secretary’s Award for Public-Philanthropic Partnerships - Housing and Community Development in Action

Applications are now open for the 2025 Secretary's Award for Public-Philanthropic Partnerships! The award recognizes exemplary partnerships between philanthropic organizations and public sector entities that enhance the quality of life for low- and moderate-income residents across urban, suburban, and rural areas in the U.S. Foundations of all sizes are encouraged to showcase projects addressing critical community needs, such as housing, education, health, arts, and economic development. Eligible projects must have been completed or active since January 2024 and executed in partnership with any local, regional, or federal government entities. Applications are due at 11:59 pm PT on February 7, 2025.

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ACHP/HUD Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation

Applications are now being accepted for the 2025 ACHP/HUD Secretary's Award for Excellence in Historic Preservation! HUD and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) partner to honor developers, organizations, and agencies for their success in advancing the goals of historic preservation while (1) providing affordable housing to low- and moderate-income families and individuals and (2) supporting community and/or economic development. Nominated projects or activities will be judged for the success they have achieved in preserving, rehabilitating, restoring, and interpreting our architectural and cultural heritage. Applications are due at 11:59 pm PT on January 22, 2025.

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HUD Secretary’s Award for Excellence in Tribal Communities

Applications are now being accepted for the inaugural 2025 HUD Secretary's Award for Excellence in Tribal Communities! HUD created this award to honor the Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) that have used HUD funding to make significant impacts to their communities through affordable housing and community development activities. The award acknowledges the innovative approaches, best practices, policies, and community engagement that make significant contributions to serving HUD-assisted Tribal residents. Awards will be considered under the following priority areas:

Community Development
New Housing Construction
Supporting Native Youth
Honoring and Serving Native Veterans

HUD encourages Tribes, Tribal Leaders, and TDHE staff to submit nominations for this award. HUD will also accept nominations from Tribal partners and other individuals and organizations working in the Tribal space. Nominations and applications are due at 11:59 pm PT on February 28, 2025.

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