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About PD&R: Core Functions and Offices


Core Functions & Offices

PD&R staff provide HUD program offices with technical support, data, maps, and other materials relevant to their programs. Additionally, PD&R serves as a resource of information and institutional knowledge for the HUD Secretary's Office, providing briefing materials and rapid responses for the Office of Public Affairs and the Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations.

PD&R maintains and produces large databases that are essential to HUD program operations. This support includes collecting information through national and locally based surveys, as well as producing Fair Market Rents (FMRs) and assisted housing income limits.

Executive Order No. 12866 requires that federal agencies promulgating regulations prepare economic analyses of regulations that have a significant economic effect. In addition, the Regulatory Flexibility act (RFa) requires agencies to prepare regulatory flexibility analyses for regulations that have a substantial impact on a significant number of small entities. Economic and regulatory flexibility analyses are frequently combined into a single document. The intent of E.O. 12866 and the RFa is for the required analyses to inform the rulemaking process and ensure adequate public understanding of the potential effects of major regulations. Because of the high level of expertise in economics and statistical analysis required to complete these large-scale assessments, PD&R is the primary manager of the Department's regulatory analysis function. PD&R reviews all new HUD regulations for potential impact on the economy; prepares economic analyses of new HUD rules, as needed, or directs the preparation of economic analyses of new HUD rules by PD&R contractors; reviews economic analyses prepared by other offices for methodological soundness and feasibility; and advises program office officials on how proposed regulations can be altered to achieve the regulatory objective while avoiding unnecessary costs to the economy.

PD&R supports the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) by providing FHA with key policy and technical support. PD&R also offers financial expertise on FHA's actuarial studies, assists FHA on automated underwriting and mortgage scorecard initiatives, conducts program evaluations, analyzes mortgage market trends, and provides general policy support on a wide range of topics (such as FHA insurance premiums). In addition, PD&R field economists conduct market analysis of applications for FHA multifamily mortgage insurance.

PD&R works with other agencies and private sector organizations to make American housing more affordable, durable, safe, energy efficient, and disaster resistant by sponsoring objective research on the effects of new programs and technologies.

The International and Philanthropic Affairs Division (IPAD) supports HUD’s mission by working across the public, private, and civil sectors to link domestic policy and practice to innovative and timely models from our international and philanthropic partners. IPAD performs research, develops networks, and facilitates collaboration with key partners and resources. IPAD works to build new capacity and clarity within HUD by providing expert resources and a venue for staff and partners to access the best available evidence, innovations, and lessons from the philanthropic and international sectors.

The Research Utilization Division (RUD) disseminates PD&R research and data. RUD reaches out to key PD&R stakeholders using a variety of methods, including HUD User, eLists, social media, and PD&R Edge.



PD&R is the principal advisor to the Secretary on overall departmental policy, program evaluations, demonstrations, and research, and is responsible for providing economic information and analyses of housing and community development statistics and other data. PD&R consists of the following offices:

Additional information on PD&R Offices and Divisions is available here. PD&R Organizational Charts are available here.