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PD&R Quarterly Update: Source of Income Discrimination

Banner for Source of Income Discrimination

On Thursday, July 25, 2024, HUD's Office of Policy Development & Research (PD&R) will host a hybrid PD&R Quarterly Update on source of income discrimination and laws. Over the past two decades, evidence of discrimination against housing choice voucher holders has grown. More than half of voucher households live in states and localities that have adopted ordinances to prevent this kind of discrimination. Check out this Source of Income Protections for Housing Choice Voucher Holders website from HUD’s Office of Public and Indian Housing to see where SOI protections already exist and get information on how communities can adopt source of income protections.

This event will bring together researchers, municipal and state government officials, and fair housing practitioners to share insights into recent passage of local anti-discrimination ordinances; evaluate research about the impacts of these anti-discrimination laws; and discuss challenges to the enforcement of these ordinances.

Data Spotlight

  • Veronica Helms Garrison, Analyst, PD&R/HUD

Panel Discussion: Overview of Source of Income Protections and What the Research Tells Us About Their Effectiveness

  • Martha Galvez, Executive Director, Housing Solutions Lab at the Furman Center, NYU
  • Philip Tegeler, Executive Director, Poverty & Race Research Action Council (PRRAC)
  • Dan Teles, Principal Research Associate, Urban Institute
  • Moderator: Dr. Calvin Johnson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research, Evaluation, and Monitoring, PD&R/HUD

Panel Discussion: Lessons from State and Local Implementation

  • Adria Crutchfield, Executive Director, Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership
  • Sandra Park, Chief of the Civil Rights Bureau, New York State Office of the Attorney General
  • Manon Vergerio, Co-Founder and Head of Data & Advocacy, Unlock NYC
  • Moderator: Chang Chiu, Chief of Staff for the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity, HUD

Additional Information

Thursday, July 25, 2024
2:00-4:00 pm ET
Hybrid Event
HUD Headquarters
451 7th Street SW
Washington, DC 20410

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