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Cityscape: Volume 26 Number 2 | Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance | Increasing Residential Opportunity for Housing Choice Voucher Holders: The Importance of Supportive Staff for Families and Landlords


Fifty Years of Tenant-Based Rental Assistance

Volume 26 Number 2

Mark D. Shroder
Michelle P. Matuga

Increasing Residential Opportunity for Housing Choice Voucher Holders: The Importance of Supportive Staff for Families and Landlords

Stefanie DeLuca
Jacqueline Groccia
Johns Hopkins University

Despite the potential of the Housing Choice Voucher program to provide residential choice for low-income households, many voucher tenants reside in moderate- to high-poverty, racially segregated neighborhoods. This article uses research on the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program (BHMP) and the Seattle area Creating Moves to Opportunity (CMTO) program to highlight factors that facilitate successful moves to high-opportunity areas. Findings reveal that dedicated staff play a crucial role in administering resources, providing emotional support, and reducing administrative burdens for families, simultaneously removing barriers and increasing confidence about housing searches. Although financial assistance and information are necessary for facilitating residential choice and improving neighborhood quality in mobility programs, they are insufficient without high-quality staff who effectively communicate and support families and landlords. The findings contribute to understanding how to effectively leverage the housing voucher program for neighborhood opportunity and provide evidence that investments in staff who deliver customized services for families and landlords are crucial for the success of housing mobility initiatives.

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