This research project seeks to re-engineer the design and fabrication of the heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system in manufactured housing with all components installed in the plant under HUD’s HUD-required quality assurance and quality control regime. The status quo has the heating and air-handler installed in the factory, leaving consumers to pursue after-market installation of air conditioning with increased cost and performance penalties. Presently, the Manufactured Construction and Safety Standards (MHCSS) require the installation of heating systems in manufactured homes. However, cooling systems is an optional requirement in the MHCSS and homeowners desiring to have a cooling system, often purchase an aftermarket system. To move the manufactured housing manufacturers, technical innovations will need to be advanced using new practices for HVAC system marketing, sales, and service. The project was designed to improve HVAC efficacy by taking an integrated and multidisciplinary approach, led by an accomplished team of engineering experts and market professionals, and guided by the key stakeholders in the manufactured housing space. Three prototype technologies for factory-installed air conditioning were developed, installed, assessed, and documented.