Findings of the National Survey of Homeless Assistance Providers and Clients
(All files are in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format)
- Contents, Preface, Acknowledgments
- CHAPTER 1: Introduction
- CHAPTER 2: NSHAPC Design and Data Collection
- CHAPTER 3: Demographic Characteristics
- CHAPTER 4: Homeless Histories
- CHAPTER 5: Income, Income Sources, and Employment
- CHAPTER 6: Clients’ Health Status, Service Use, and Sources of Care
- CHAPTER 7: Food Consumption, Access, and Sources
- CHAPTER 8: Special Needs
- CHAPTER 9: Program Use and Service Needs
- CHAPTER 10: Adverse Childhood Experiences
- CHAPTER 11: Veterans
- CHAPTER 12: Children of Homeless Parents
- CHAPTER 13: Comparing Homeless Clients From Central City, Suburban, and Rural Areas
- CHAPTER 14: Homeless Assistance Programs and Service Locations
- CHAPTER 15: Client Profiles From the Program Perspective
- CHAPTER 16: Service Needs—the Views of Program Staff
- CHAPTER 17: Homeless Assistance Programs in NSHAPC’s 76 Sampling Areas
- APPENDIX A: NSHAPC’S 76 Primary Sampling Areas
- APPENDIX B: Definitions of NSHAPC Programs
- APPENDIX C: NSHAPC Data Collection Methods, by Steven Tourkin and Dave Hubble, U.S. Bureau of the Census
- APPENDIX E: Survey Instruments: CATI, Mail Survey, and Client Survey
- NSHAPC interview protocol for individual respondents
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