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Evaluating regulatory reforms, assisting applicants apply for HUD funding, and Wisconsin property tax revision efforts.

The first edition of Breakthroughs for 2005 is now
available on the Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse (RBC)
website at

Topics in this issue include...

o How Boise, Idaho and New Hampshire Housing assisted
those applying for 2004 HUD funding by answering
questions that could result in up to two bonus points in
the scoring matrix;

o How local housing task forces proposed various methods
to evaluate the effectiveness of regulatory reforms in
promoting the development of affordable housing (third in
a series); and

o How the Wisconsin legislature has grappled with
revising the state's property tax exemption statute.

If you've a success story that you think deserves
national attention, drop us an email at If it's easier, call us at
1-800-245-2691/option 4. Your successes could appear in
an upcoming edition of Breakthroughs!