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Cityscape: Design and Disaster


From: HUD USER News
The theme of the new issue of Cityscape is the
contribution that faculty and students from schools of
planning, engineering, and architecture made to the
reconstruction of Gulf Coast communities following
Hurricane Katrina in 2005. What they did and what they
learned should be valuable to any scholar or public
official involved in service learning projects. Often
supported by grants from HUD, the efforts of dedicated
and resourceful faculty and students are reported and
analyzed in a symposium of 11 articles guest-edited by
Kathleen Dorgan, Michael Monti, and Kinnard Wright.
Although the new Cityscape can be ordered in print for a
nominal charge (information follows), links to the
individual articles are provided below.
 Principles of Engagement: (mis)Understanding the
 Community-Design Studio
Kathleen A. Dorgan
 Citizen Engagement in Post-Hurricane Katrina Planning in
 Harrison County, Mississippi
Jennifer S. Evans-Cowley and Meghan Zimmerman Gough
 Building Local Capacity: Planning for Local Culture and
 Neighborhood Recovery in New Orleans
Jacob Wagner, Michael Frisch, and Billy Fields
 Equity Planning in Post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans:
 Lessons From the Ninth Ward
Kenneth M. Reardon, Marcel Ionescu-Heroiu, and Andrew J.
 Rebuilding Community Block by Block
Marsha R. Cuddeback and Frank M. Bosworth
 A Sustainable Housing Response to Hurricane Katrina
John Quale and Kristina L. Iverson
 Working With Experience
David Perkes and Christine Gaspar
 Biloxi Treehouse Project
Vincent Baudoin
 URBANbuild: Architectural Networks of Real Urbanism
Ila Berman
 Rebuilding for the Seventh Ward's Cultural Life
Rob Corser and Nils Gore
 Rebuilding New Orleans With Affordable, Hurricane-
 Resistant Residential Construction
James Goedert
The refereed papers section of the new issue contains
articles by Paul Emrath and Fei Liu on Vehicle Carbon
 Dioxide Emissions and the Compactness of Residential
 Development and by Michael Wenz on The Spatial Evolution
 of Casino Gambling. These papers should be of interest to
people involved in planning for the residential or
commercial development of their communities.
In the Departments section, edited by various members of
the PD&R staff, Michael Hollar, Anthony Pennington-Cross,
and Anthony Yezer describe the data to be found in The
 Export Price Index, David Chase maps High-Risk Loans and
 Increasing Vacancy Rates, and Dana Bres introduces
 Plumbing Manifolds: Circuit Breakers for Water.
A link to the complete issue of Cityscape is available at
Past issues are available for downloading, free of
charge, at
Printed copies are available by calling HUD USER at
800-245-2691, option 1.
Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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