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Focus on Transit-Oriented Development


From: HUD USER News
To reduce transportation costs for working families,
many communities are exploring the development of
affordable housing located near public transit, thus
providing increased access to employment, education,
retail, and community opportunities. HUD's Office of
Policy Development and Research has posted links to two
reports about transit-oriented development (TOD) on its
HUD USER website. Preserving Opportunities: Saving
Affordable Homes Near Transit identifies federally
assisted housing units in proximity to existing or
proposed light rail stations in eight metropolitan
areas. The second publication, Making the Connection:
Transit-Oriented Development and Jobs, examines 25 TODs
to determine how locating transportation near affordable
housing can assist low- and moderate-income working
families. Links to these two reports are available in
the "Quick Links" section of the HUD USER website,
In addition, HUD recently released Better Coordination
of Transportation and Housing Programs to Promote
Affordable Housing Near Transit. This report outlines
strategies that have been jointly developed by the
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and HUD to assist
communities in developing mixed-income and affordable
TODs. Interested readers can download the report from
HUD USER free of charge at
It is also available in print, at no cost, by calling
800-245-2691, option 1.
Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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