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A New Cityscape


From: HUD USER News
The latest issue of Cityscape, a journal of housing and
urban policy research published by HUD's Office of
Policy Development and Research (PD&R), introduces a
number of changes to the publication's overall format.
In the new format, each issue will have a Symposium of
papers on a particular topic. The Symposium in the
current issue features steps decisionmakers can take to
promote resiliency in their communities in the face of
disaster and what happens when those steps are not
taken, as in the case of Hurricane Katrina.
o Reconstruction of New Orleans after Hurricane
 Katrina: A research perspective
o Planning, Plans, and People: Professional
 Expertise, Local Knowledge, and Governmental
 Action in Post-Katrina New Orleans
o Hurricane Katrina: Environmental Hazards in the
 Disaster Area
A new Refereed Papers section presents articles on a
variety of topics reviewed by experts in their
respective fields. In the current issue, this section
spans the topics of access to jobs that affect spatial
mismatch, income targeting of housing vouchers, and
homeowner age as it relates to house price appreciation.
o Income Targeting of Housing Vouchers: What
 Happened After the Quality Housing and Work
 Responsibility Act?
o Job Access in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods in
 Cleveland, 1980-2000: Implications for Spatial
 Mismatch and Association With Crime Patterns
o Homeowner Age and House Price Appreciation
The final section of the new format consists of Data
Shop and Policy Briefs. Data Shop outlines the technical
means by which social scientists can systematically
construct variables from public use data to test a wide
range of hypotheses. This issue introduces readers to
the Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy
database. The Policy Briefs touch on recently changed
national policy and consequences of interest to
researchers. In the current issue, two PD&R staff
members explain the Qualifying Census Tracts feature of
the Low Income Housing Tax Credit program.
o Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Qualified Census
o The CHAS Data: Obtaining Estimates of Housing
 Market Affordability
This final 2007 issue, as well as previous issues of
Cityscape, is available for downloading, free of charge,
at The
journal is also available in print for a nominal fee by
calling HUD USER at 800-245-2691, option 1.
Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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