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Institutes of Higher Education Promote Homeownership


From: HUD USER News
The Office of University Partnerships (OUP), in HUD's
Office of Policy Development and Research, recently
completed a study that provides practical advice on how
to establish homeownership programs. Ideas That Work:
Building Communities through Homeownership features the
experiences of OUP grantees nationwide as they seek to
promote affordable homeownership. The report explores
how grantees from institutions of higher education
provide resources, bring partners together, and assist
in designing community-based homeownership programs. The
publication also lists resources and contact information
for the people interviewed during the course of the
Ideas that Work: Building Communities through
Homeownership is available online and can be downloaded
free of charge at
Printed copies will be available in early May. They can
be ordered at no cost from the Office of University
Partnerships Clearinghouse at 800-245-2691, option 3 or
by sending an email to
Please contact us at:
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Washington, DC 20026-3268
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