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U.S. Housing Market Conditions, 3rd Quarter 2006


From: HUD USER News
According to the latest U.S. Housing Market Conditions
report, mortgage interest rates edged downward in the
third quarter of 2006. Housing market performance was
reduced, with production rates and sales declining.
Single-family building permits, starts, and completions
fell from levels recorded during the second quarter.
Sales of new homes and existing homes also declined.
Inventories for both new and existing homes available
for sale declined slightly, but remained at high levels.
The homeownership rate increased to 69.0 percent in the
third quarter.
In addition to updates on housing production, sales,
affordability, and interest rates during the third
quarter, the latest issue includes national trend data
and updated information on regional housing market
performance. The report closely examines the following
local housing markets: Boston-Cambridge-Quincy,
Massachusetts-New Hampshire; Colorado Springs, Colorado;
Columbus, Ohio; Greenville, South Carolina; Harrisburg-
Lebanon, Pennsylvania; Jacksonville, Florida; McAllen-
Edinburg-Mission, Texas; Milwaukee-Waukesha, Wisconsin;
Orange County, California; and Portland-Vancouver-
Beaverton, Oregon-Washington.
Finally, the feature article in this issue of U.S.
Housing Market Conditions examines housing
characteristics of the baby boomer generation taken from
the 2005 American Housing Survey, and compares the
characteristics of this cohort to those of generations
that came before (born pre-1946) and after (born post-
U.S. Housing Market Conditions, 3rd Quarter 2006, is
available at no cost as a download
or in print by calling HUD USER at
800-245-2691, option 1.
Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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