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Quad-Cities Comprehensive Market Analysis


From: HUD USER News
As a part of HUD's series of Comprehensive Market
Analysis Reports, an update on the status of the housing
market in the Quad Cities (Bettendorf-Davenport-Rock
Island-Moline, Iowa-Illinois) area is now available. The
Quad Cities area represents the major economic center of
southeastern Iowa and northwestern Illinois, and depends
largely on the manufacturing industry for business and
jobs. The report includes an up-to-date profile of the
area's economy, population, households, housing
inventory and vacancy rates, sales and rental market
conditions, and forecasts of housing demand. It
discusses the weakening of the area as a major
manufacturing center since 2000 and the impact of recent
out-migration. The data shown in the analysis is
compared across three periods: 1990-2000, 2000-2006 (the
period of analysis), and 2006-2009 (projected).
The Analysis of the Bettendorf-Davenport-Rock Island-
Moline, Iowa-Illinois Housing Market is available as a
free download at
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