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Opportunities for Graduate Students and Recognition for Colleges


From: HUD USER News
The Graduate Student Research Program
HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R)
sponsors the Graduate Student Research Program (GSRP).
The goal of the program is to recruit graduate students
who are interested in starting or advancing their
careers in housing and urban development. The program
combines educational with practical experience to
enhance learning. Applicants must currently be enrolled
in a graduate program at a four-year college or
university. The GSRP provides an hourly stipend and
flexible work schedule of up to 30 hours of work per
week for a minimum of six months.
or for more information. The
application is online at
Additional information can be obtained by contacting
Steve Owens at or (301)523-6572.
Honor Roll Recognizes the Community Contributions of
Colleges and Universities
HUD, in conjunction with the Corporation for National
and Community Service, the U.S. Department of Education,
The President's Council on Service and Civic
Participation, and the Campus Compact (a coalition of
college and university presidents), is sponsoring the
President's Higher Education Community Service Honor
Roll. The program recognizes the broad commitment to
community service by institutions of higher education as
demonstrated by levels of student engagement,
institutional support, service-learning courses,
community service coordinating offices, and exemplary
service projects. In its first year, the program will
place a special emphasis on volunteer service performed
by college students in the wake of last year's
devastating hurricanes.
All colleges and universities whose students have made
meaningful contributions to community service during the
2005-2006 academic year are invited to apply for the
Honor Roll online at
The deadline for applications is September 15, 2006. Honor Roll
members and Presidential Award winners will be announced
at the Campus Compact 20th Anniversary celebration on
October 17, 2006.
Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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