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Moisture-Resistant Homes: a Best Practice Guide and Plan Review Tool for Builders and Designers


From: HUD USER News
A new report titled Moisture-Resistant Homes,
commissioned by HUD's Office of Policy Development and
Research and PATH (Partnership for Advancing Technology
in Housing), advances the goal of designing, building,
and maintaining houses in ways that control and mitigate
the damage caused by moisture. In the past, moisture
control primarily meant keeping out rain, snow, and
melting ice. Advances in housing technology require
greater attention to managing interior moisture,
including water vapor, in order to promote occupant
comfort, protect indoor air quality, and prevent mold.
This guide identifies sound moisture management
practices for all phases of the life of a house, from
design through occupancy. Its 'best practice'
recommendations, organized by building system, allow the
reader to quickly review viable moisture control
strategies. One can also browse a checklist of jobsite
quality management steps that will convert good design
intentions into realities. Finally, readers can follow
the guide's room-by-room inspection protocols for
preventing moisture damage. The report also lists
additional sources of information and assistance.
The document can be downloaded at no cost
while a printed copy can be ordered for a nominal fee by
calling HUD USER at 800-245-2691, option 1.
Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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