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PD&R’s Rehab Guides Help Get the Job Done


From: HUD USER News
Housing rehabilitation is an important component of any
strategy aimed at meeting the nation's affordable housing
needs. Keeping a home in good working order or bringing
one back from a state of disrepair promotes both
sustainability and affordability with every stroke of the
hammer and every plumb line snap. Pursuing a high quality
rehab or renovation can also result in homes that are
better able to withstand storms and other natural
With affordability, sustainability, and durability in
mind, we'd like to call your attention to a set of
popular guidebooks published by HUD that describe state-
of-the-art techniques, materials, and technologies for
housing rehabilitation. The nine-volume series, known
collectively as The Rehab Guide, was developed under the
auspices of the Partnership for Advancing Technology in
Housing (PATH). Each volume is devoted to distinct
elements of a house and covers a range of issues common
to that element. For example, the first volume is titled
Foundations, and covers topics from the design and
engineering aspects of rehabilitating foundation systems
to shoring and repair, waterproofing, crack repair,
drainage, and insulation. The other titles reflect the
building systems and components they address: Exterior
Walls (vol. 2), Roofs (vol. 3), Windows & Doors (vol. 4),
Partitions, Ceilings, Floors & Stairs (vol. 5), Kitchens
& Baths (vol. 6), Electrical/Electronics (vol. 7),
HVAC/Plumbing, (vol. 8), and Site Work (vol. 9).
The content presented in this series has been drawn from
a wide array of reliable construction industry sources,
as well as from well-respected technical trade
publications. Clearly written, generously illustrated,
and easy to use, the guides are spiral bound to permit
them to lie flat... on a workbench, coffee table, or
drawing board near you!
Copies of the guidebooks can be downloaded for free
or ordered from HUD USER for a nominal fee by calling
800-245-2691, option 1.
Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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