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April is Fair Housing Month


From: HUD USER News

"Fair Housing: It's Not an Option... It's the Law" is the
theme of this year's Fair Housing Month, which marks the
38th anniversary of the signing of the Fair Housing Act.
Every April, HUD celebrates the advances made in
furthering this landmark civil rights law with
celebrations, educational forums, and outreach activities
in regions throughout the United States. As part of this
effort, we would like to highlight several reports
published by the Office of Policy Development and
Research that focus on fair housing. The following
reports are available from the HUD USER Clearinghouse:

o In FY 2005, HUD released the results of an examination
 of housing discrimination faced by people with
 disabilities, titled Discrimination Against Persons with
 Disabilities: Barriers at Every Step
. Also released was a
 companion report, Discrimination Against Persons with
 Disabilities: Guidance for Practitioners
, that uses the
 lessons from the research study to offer guidance to
 practitioners on how to conduct disability discrimination
 testing. Go to for
 copies of both reports.

 These are the last in a series of reports specified by
 Congress to use paired testing to measure the level of
 discrimination in the United States. The three previous
 reports showed the level of discrimination experienced by
 African Americans, Hispanics, Asians, and Native
 Americans when they inquired about a unit advertised for
 sale or rent. This series of studies is commonly referred
 to as the Housing Discrimination Study 2000 and can be
 found at

o Released in February 2006, Do We Know More Now? Trends
 in Public Knowledge, Support and Use of Fair Housing Law

 reports the results of a HUD-sponsored sequel to
 a survey completed in 2001, titled How Much Do We Know?
 These surveys assess the public's knowledge, attitudes,
 and behavior relating to housing discrimination.

Copies of these reports are available as free downloads
or in print for a nominal fee by calling 800-245-2691.

Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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