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Staying in or Leaving Permanent Supportive Housing

The Permanent Housing component of the Supportive Housing
Program is HUD's principal vehicle for providing
permanent housing and supportive services to homeless
persons with disabilities (including those with serious
mental illness). The program is designed to address
disruptions caused by both homelessness and disability.
While many formerly homeless people remain in permanent
supportive housing for many years, substantial numbers
leave within months of entry.

HUD has released an analysis of this program to determine
if and to what extent permanent supportive housing meets
the needs of homeless people with serious mental illness,
particularly their need for stable housing. The study,
"Predicting Staying In or Leaving Permanent Supportive
Housing That Serves Homeless People with Serious Mental
Illness," examines the experience of 943 residents of
permanent supportive housing in Philadelphia during the
years 2001 to 2005. The characteristics of their
permanent housing, circumstances of leaving, and the
post-permanent housing careers of leavers were
identified. The study also focused on the impact of
factors associated with leaving permanent housing and
post-permanent housing careers, such as the length of the
period of homelessness and the degree and nature of
disability. The results will be of interest to
policymakers and service providers who design,
administer, and/or operate permanent housing programs
that promote residential stability and self-sufficiency.

The report is available as a free download online at

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1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
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