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HUD Issues Fiscal Year 2006 Median Income Estimates

HUD has just released the estimated median family income
and income limits for Fiscal Year (FY) 2006. The
estimates are based on new OMB Metropolitan Statistical
Areas (MSAs), and cover 523 metropolitan areas and 2,045
nonmetropolitan areas in the U.S. and its territories.

The FY 2006 HUD median family income estimates are
derived from 2000 Census data updated with county-level
earnings data, Census American Community Survey state-
level data, and Census Current Population Survey data.
Separate median family income estimates are calculated
for all MSAs and nonmetropolitan counties.

HUD's median income estimates are of interest to housing
and community development professionals because they are
used as the basis for income limits for several HUD
programs (including the Public Housing, Housing Choice
Voucher, CDBG, and HOME programs), and in programs run by
the Department of Agriculture, the Department of
Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the
Federal Housing Finance Board, and Government Sponsored

The FY 2006 HUD income estimates and income limits are
available as a free download from HUD USER at You
will also find a link to the new Income Limit Area
Definitions at this location.

Please contact us at:
P.O. Box 23268
Washington, DC 20026-3268
1-800-927-7589 (TDD)
202-708-9981 (fax)
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