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Promising Performance Measurement Practices

The public has a keen interest in seeing its tax dollars
applied to achieving worthwhile ends. At the state and
local level, ambitious and technically sophisticated
performance measurement efforts are increasingly common.
When federal dollars are programmed and spent locally,
effective federal efforts largely depend on the ability
of state and local governments to measure and improve the
performance of their programs. To help community
development grantees assess the performance of their
programs, HUD sponsored a study to identify and document
performance measurement practices in a small number of
jurisdictions. The report, "Promising Practices in
Grantee Performance Measurement," features five
communities with emerging reputations for carrying out
effective performance measurement in one or more
community development programs. For comparison purposes,
researchers developed a generic framework for evaluating
the performance measurement systems of these communities.
Each system is examined, based on four dimensions:
pursuit of program goals, objectives, and activities;
design and implementation of performance measures;
assessment of performance measurement results; and
practical program decisions or choices. Crosscutting
lessons drawn from these case studies may be useful to
other localities in implementing performance measurement
systems. The report is available for downloading at no
cost at

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