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A Benchmark for Residential Panels

HUD has recently released a new Partnership for Advancing
Technology in Housing (PATH) report, "Residential Panels
Benchmark Requirements." Manufacturers are reinventing
the process of home construction using assembly line
automation and prefabricated panels made from a wide
variety of materials. The installed panels form a
structural envelope that eliminates the need for
conventional framing, provides integrated insulation, and
can be assembled swiftly by less skilled laborers. These
advantages have spurred production and introduced a
thermally efficient structural method of light
construction to a broad market.

Recognizing the growing role of panels and panelized
systems in the homebuilding process, the new PATH report
summarizes the results of an ambitious project undertaken

o Identify the panelized wall systems currently available
in the U.S. and international housing markets;

o Describe their technical specifications and assess
their performance; and

o Identify the most common applications.

The research produced an extensive compilation of
currently available panel systems. The report includes
interviews with industry leaders; documentation of the
panel systems performance, codes, existing standards,
materials, connections, and availability; and a look at
the research and development needs of the industry.
Additionally, the report identifies the standard
performance criteria that all panelized wall systems
need to meet in order to integrate with existing methods
of construction. Collectively, the data presented
constitutes an industry "benchmark," which may serve to
broaden the panelized housing industry's impact on the

Download your free copy of "Residential Panels Benchmark
Requirements" at

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